I sent an email EARLIER today (it's below if you missed it) about a class I'm putting on where I'm going to show you how I create classes that have added 6 figures to my business this year...

Which don't require me to do any upfront work.

Meaning I get paid first, and take less than 3 hrs to implement...

BUT, I put a date that passed as the day for the live class.

So no it isn't October 6th lol. The date is November 6th...

AND, if you missed that earlier email here it is pinned below for your pleasure:


I'm so used to making my $60K per month nut with agency clients that I didn't realize how much digital product revenue (ahem PROFIT) I was stacking monthly...

So much so that it's only a matter of MONTHS before I'll be able to quit client work cold-turkeyyy, and go 100% DIGITAL PRODUCT EMPIRE!

And when I made this Facebook post about how I did it the slow, and non-painful way...

There was a lot of INTEREST in how I did it...

Today I'm going to talk a little about that, and the email digital product launch I just closed Sunday that added $3900 to my weekly total over the weekend...

Digital products are responsible for adding well over $100,000 to my business this year ALONE, and considering I didn't start adding digital products UNTIL the end of March I'd say that's pretty DAMN good...

Every week or so I launch or relaunch a digital product...

It earns between $3k to $5k, and then I close it.

Reopen it again in 6 weeks, and it grows a little with every relaunch.

The cool thing about how I do it is that it ONLY requires my time the FIRST time I launch it, and I don't create ANYTHING before I actually make money from the digital product.

Here's why:

  1. people might think the product is ass, and not want it. So don't create UNTIL YOU GET PAID. That proves the concept
  2. making money first motivates you to put more time, and energy into the product vs creating it painfully over time with no guarantee anybody will gives a rats tiny ass about it
  3. Making money is FUNNNNNN

Then I use an open/close sequence of the same campaign launch template for every class.

If it hits a minimum of $1k sales I then record the class live with the students. If it flops I DON'T I REFUND, and keep it moving...

No hard feelings or tears.

I create a MINIMUM VIABLE version of the class live for $147.

Then I chop up the live class, add templates, and as time goes by keep it update, revise it, and add more, and more until the value of the class surpasses $5,000+(testimonials stack, results, new content etc), BUT only charge $497 for it.

As I want it to be a no brainer.

Open, and close it every 4 to 6 weeks.

By opening, and closing the class you create URGENCY. Because ya know people be procrastinating their azzez OFF...

AND, because I have payment plans for my classes I have monthly recurring revenue that stacks from them as well, and every time one of them opens it adds more to that...

PLUS, they become predictable revenue earners.

If it did $3k last month you can bet it'll do a minimum of $3k this month or MORE as long as you continue to grow your email list.

Here's the numbers of my last 3 launches within 30 days

CONVERTainment - $5600 (best performer on how to write profitable emails in less than 30 minutes)

Email Ballers Club - $3900 (the one I just closed)

Cash Cow Classes - $3200 (formally called No Product Product Launch ...yeah that name was TRASSH)

PLUS, I do some 1on1 coaching digitally at $1500-$2000 per month.

Which puts me a little over $20,000 per month in digital offer revenue.

MEANING, no done for you work.

AND, once the classes are created live.

They require NO more work, and it takes LESS than 3 hours on average for each class with the way I do it...

I call it Cash Cow Classes (obviously I'm about to transition into a RELAUNCH =)..

AND, it's open for 5 days only...

If you read this whole email then you noticed me mention how they start at $147, and then I UPGRADE them along the way....

Welp this is revision 2!

So it'll be shot 100% LIVE. (can't make it live. ALL GOOD. They're always recorded with notes, and templates added afterwards)

Monday October 6th at 7p.m. EST

Class is currently priced at $147, but goes up to $197/$247 once 10 join...

AND, once that's over I will relaunch it in a couple of months, but the price will double.

Get in for the LOW-LOW by clicking here, and learning more about Cash Cow Classes.

OR, Reply "💰" if you enjoyed this email



Everyday I send out an email on lessons learned from generating $500,000 per month in email marketing revenue for my clients. Join below for free.

Read more from FreddyEmails

So take a look at these 2 testimonials then let's do some quick email math... So one increased 10% and the other 20% ... If every time you send an email to a list of let's say 500. With a $97 offer. Your open rate is 25% and You get 1 sale... What happens if your open rate goes up to 45%? Well you almost DOUBLED your open rate, and if everything else stays the same meaning... Grew the list the same way. (same lead magnet) Same or similar offer. Same quality email marketing. You should get 2-3...

Out of everything I learned building from zero to 7 figures in 2yrs the ability to write emails that sell... Without sounding salesy... And people enjoy... AND, take less than 30 minutes... Is by far my most PROFITABLE skill! Without that ability you could take away about 85% of the money I've made online as all roads led to email, and they still do til this day here's why: It's the only channel you own. You don't own tik tok, fbook, Ig, or any new shiny social media site that comes out Its...

So I was reviewing a 1on1 clients email... AND, here's what happen... They have an offer that they want to sell... But the list is dead (as in haven't emailed in a minute)... AND, they're not sure about the offer, and if they should trash it altogether.. So I advised her to take that offer and plug it into my Black Friday Everyday campaign, and I only mention this so you know why I suggested it... it reengages your list from the graveyard it's responsible for $10K, $30K, $101K, $160K 24 hour...