How to get 25% MORE Eyeballs on Your Offers

So take a look at these 2 testimonials then let's do some quick email math...

So one increased 10% and the other 20% ...

If every time you send an email to a list of let's say 500. With a $97 offer. Your open rate is 25% and You get 1 sale...

What happens if your open rate goes up to 45%?

Well you almost DOUBLED your open rate, and if everything else stays the same meaning...

Grew the list the same way. (same lead magnet)

Same or similar offer.

Same quality email marketing.

You should get 2-3 sales more per email sent.

OR, you could even look at it this way (you shouldn't but you could)...

You can send LESS emails and get the same result because you have DOUBLE the amount of people opening your emails now...

LESS effort = same output or as I would go same effort = greater output...

AND, make more money per email or work on the next variable like fine-tuning your emails to CONVERT all those new eyeballs which you can learn both as a result of getting your hands on my CONVERTainment class which is 60% OFF until the end of day...

It's my Christmas gift to you Reader as I VERY rarely do sales, but I'm about to retire this product to my vault...

So if you're interested in learning how I write emails (for yourself or for other business owners) that earn my clients $1,000,000+ per month, and growing keep reading...

Back in April/May of this year I went live with about 30 students, and showed them how I write emails that they all enjoyed, read, and bought from in less than 30 minutes daily...

AND, these emails were about anything going on in my life, and how they could do the same no matter how boring they believe themselves to be...

I called the class CONVERTaiment Email System, because it's all about educating, entertaining, and converting with every single email, and when you can do that in less than 30 minutes a day your business becomes a lot more simple, and profitable.

So here's the deal Reader...

CONVERTtainment sales for $297 whenever i open the doors to it which is really rare, but for today only...

You can get it for $100 bucks even (60% OFF), and I've even thrown in some bonuses to make it sweeter...

You get my Black Friday Errday Mini Course - Teaches you how to make anyday Black Friday inside of your business using nothing but email and my 5-7 email sequence that produced $158K, $101K, and $14k in a single day for my DONE FOR YOU clients. So no waiting til November. You can deploy this in January if you LIKE!

AND, my Membership Mania Launch - comes in handy if you want to know how I launched a membership to $10K in a day, and then grew it to $40k per month, and ready to get off the hamster wheel, and get yo' self some recurring revenue.

If all the above interest you, and for only $100 bucks UNTIL Christmas 1p.m. EST Monday or when 30 people buy in...

Go here now to get the CONVERTainment Cyber Monday Christmas Bundle =)

Good luck!



Everyday I send out an email on lessons learned from generating $500,000 per month in email marketing revenue for my clients. Join below for free.

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Out of everything I learned building from zero to 7 figures in 2yrs the ability to write emails that sell... Without sounding salesy... And people enjoy... AND, take less than 30 minutes... Is by far my most PROFITABLE skill! Without that ability you could take away about 85% of the money I've made online as all roads led to email, and they still do til this day here's why: It's the only channel you own. You don't own tik tok, fbook, Ig, or any new shiny social media site that comes out Its...

So I was reviewing a 1on1 clients email... AND, here's what happen... They have an offer that they want to sell... But the list is dead (as in haven't emailed in a minute)... AND, they're not sure about the offer, and if they should trash it altogether.. So I advised her to take that offer and plug it into my Black Friday Everyday campaign, and I only mention this so you know why I suggested it... it reengages your list from the graveyard it's responsible for $10K, $30K, $101K, $160K 24 hour...

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