$100K mistake avoided!

So I was reviewing a 1on1 clients email...

AND, here's what happen...

They have an offer that they want to sell...

But the list is dead (as in haven't emailed in a minute)...

AND, they're not sure about the offer, and if they should trash it altogether..

So I advised her to take that offer and plug it into my Black Friday Everyday campaign, and I only mention this so you know why I suggested it...

  • it reengages your list from the graveyard
  • it's responsible for $10K, $30K, $101K, $160K 24 hour launches
  • NO major discounts or losing most of your profit to discounting your product to make big sales that look PRETTY on social media, but leave you poor in real life

AND, so I gave her the step-by-step campaign.

She created emails from the templates, but she made ONE HUGE mistake that could cost her $100K OR more (all depending on your list size), and that was where she listed features of her offer...

INSTEAD of benefits!

A mistake I see in MOST emails I receive from students, clients, and other FAUX gurus...

Basically when trying to SELL most people list the features of their offer...

...comes with an iphone app

...2 coaching calls per month

...60 day payment plan

Those are ALL features...

What you want to do INSTEAD is tell how those features BENEFIT the end customer.

So let's say the avatar is 20-35 yr old gym bros interested in buying a course on bulking up to gain muscle:

...instead of comes with an iphone app you'd say:

"you can watch the course at any time with our state of the art iphone app...

Even while you're in the gym. Turn on the app, and consume the course while you're hitting a PR on the benchpress.

No need to sit in front of the computer wasting time when you could be doing something better

...like bulking up!"

See how this selling benefits PAINTS the picture instead of just telling the feature?!

That's why understanding your target audience (avatar), and appealing to their wants, needs, desires aka solving their problems, and attaching your offer to those wants, needs, desires is the quickest way to transfer money from their bank account to yours..

It gets wallets out of pocket's, and puts credit cards into STRIPE, and out the other end comes consistent sales when you pair it with daily emails.


If you want to learn how to write emails that make the cash register twerk hit the link below and learn about the Convertainment Email System. I update it monthly.

I'm adding a new module next week called "Brand Mapping" It's all about taking each feature about your offer/product/service, and creating benefits that serve as sellable angles for your email marketing...

It's an advanced concept that is responsible for me going from $100k per month in email client revenue to $1,000,000/mth, and once I add it the price of Convertainment is going up to $497 so catch it at the current price, and reap the benefits, and save some coins...

CONVERTainment Email System: Learn how to create profitable emails in less than 30 minutes based on my email profits engine framework I used to write for 10 clients daily inside my agency. Educate, entertain, and convert your audience all in one thru simple daily emails that they LOVE❤️

Reply "💰" if you enjoyed this email



P.S. If you're a busy business person who values TIME over money. Then work with me 1on1 to fine-tune your offer. Help you build an email list, and make money daily from simple emails like the one you're reading in 30 days.

PLUS, you get all my courses free as long as you're a 1on1 student.

Reply "EPE" to Work with me 1on1 to build out an email system inside of your business. All it takes is 3 to 5 emails per week to pack out your calendar as a consultant/coach, sell your products daily as an ecom business owner, or sell out your service-based business using my Email Profits Engine framework I used to grow to 7 figs in less than 2 yrs. (this is a minimum $1500 investment)

-Freddy Emails


Everyday I send out an email on lessons learned from generating $500,000 per month in email marketing revenue for my clients. Join below for free.

Read more from FreddyEmails

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