bulletproof your business revenue

My client in the fitness industry had a bad month, and decided she needed to shed some fat from her business...

AND, got rid of EVERYBODY!

I'm talking facebook ad guy...

Her VA assistant...

A couple folks in the warehouse for shipping...

Social media marketing company...

I'm talking NOBODY was safe LOL!

Except ...Freddy Emails!

Now why would you fire low level, AND high level employees, but decide to keep one of the most expensive players on your team?!

(as she pays me $4500/mth)

Because my particular set of skills put MONEY on the board and doesn't take MONEY out of her pocket (ROI x 10 = $50K+ every month)...

AND, it's easily trackable, because immediately after an email goes out her bank account goes UP!

While ads cost money to make money...

AND, a VA saves you time, but costs money (a good one anyway)

AND, social media can be profitable, but you don't OWN your audience, and Fb, IG, Tikky Tok can BAN you or ALGO-rithm you to death at anytime it's a GAMBLE...

AND, while I would never want to fire the people that ship out my goods, they're easily replaceable due to the particular skillset being widely available by anybody with 2 hands and 2 feet...

While email marketing is...High ROI, and a HARD to replace skill.

She knows that email alone brings in $50K-$100k per month, and it doesn't cost her $20K-$40K like advertising...

AND, she knows finding an email marketer cheaper than me will end up costing her MORE than saving as she knows what I bring to the table, and searching for somebody of my caliber...

BUT at a lower cost is a FOOLS errand!

I made the BIG CHOP!

That's what happens when you create a recession-proof skill.

Matter of fact email marketing was even in MORE demand while everybody was stuck in the house during c-vid,

…because more people started shopping online, and businesses needed more emails than ever...

I say all the above...

Just to say if your business has a bad month (it will happen it's inevitable)...

It'd do you some good to have the ability to send out money-making emails disguised as fun entertainment stories like I do to keep the money train flowing while times are HARD...

OR, when your social media account takes a hit, because of the algorithm...

OR, because your ad account gets banned or cost SPIKES!

Just ask my past client Stephan Speak's who's facebook account got hacked years ago, and email kept him afloat to the tune of $16K a week while his social media was out of commission for 12 days...

What would happen if your social media, ad account, SEO dried up, or whatever you use outside of email got banned, hacked, or disabled...

Could your business survive?

Do you have an active email list that you can email DAILY if need be, and a plan to where they wouldn't get annoyed, and look forward to your emails as my list, and my clients?

IF, not...

You could be in the same spot my client Stephan Speaks was in when his Facebook account was hacked, so his ads, and social post came to a screeching halt, and if he hadn't hired me just months before...

His revenue during this week would've been a big fat ZERO instead of $16K he earned using my emails...

Whenever you're ready to take email serious I currently have 3 options:

1.CONVERTainment Email System: Learn how to create profitable emails in less than 30 minutes based on my email profits engine framework I used to write for 10 clients daily inside my agency. Educate, entertain, and convert your audience all in one thru simple daily emails that they LOVE❤️

2.Profitable Email Templates: Get 5 DONE FOR YOU email marketing templates, and strategies every month that are responsible for earning my clients $500,000 per month in email revenue. PDF + Video implementation guide delivered monthly on the 15th.

3.Reply "EPE" to Work with me 1on1 to build out an email system inside of your business. All it takes is 3 to 5 emails per week to pack out your calendar as a consultant/coach, sell your products daily as ecom business owner, or sell out your service-based business using my Email Profits Engine framework I used to grow to 7 figs in less than 2 yrs. (this is minimum $1500 investment)

Reply "💰" if you enjoyed this email

-Freddy Emails


Everyday I send out an email on lessons learned from generating $500,000 per month in email marketing revenue for my clients. Join below for free.

Read more from FreddyEmails

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