learned this from $3900 email promo

After every promo I like to drop some gems on what I learned, and so this past Wednesday I launched Email Ballers Club which is now closed (we see you sometime in the future)...

If you've been on my email list then you know I open, and close products ALL the time this builds in the urgency, and gets procrastinators OFF their ass and into my programs to get the help they need...

I did a 5 day launch, and over that timeframe, I wrote a total of 10 emails that generated over $3900...

I didn't do my normal build up to launch day. Which if I did it would've resulted in a couple more thousand in sales...

So 8 emails averages out to about 2 emails per day. Some days I sent 3 or 4 like opening day, and closing day.

So here's what I learned from $3900 Email Ballers launch

1. Always do a build up to the launch day.

Meaning don't just email out of nowhere with something for sale.

Building up their anticipation, and excitement, and making them a part of the launch of a new offer always does better than just launching straight into an offer.

You can get away with that if you have a LARGER list (5k+), but not if you're lower than that.

2. Including an Easter Egg

I learned this term hanging with my white friends at a jeep show lol...

So I start to put little 'easter eggs' throughout my marketing.

For instance, during this last launch for Email Ballers Club if you watched the video I sent showing what's behind the doors you would've gotten your hands on a secret discount code to save $100 DOLLARS!

Those that DIDN'T watch it didn't get the discount.

Something fun I like to do with my launches now so if you're reading this email...

Just know there's a special Easter Egg inside the launch of Cash Cow Classes as well.

3. Add an Instructional Video

During a launch I usually write emails that are 300+ words or more (up to 2k sometimes), but lately I've been adding in behind the scenes instructional videos of what the class will look like...

This works especially for people who are visual learners, and gives them a little confirmation, because many times I pre-sell my classes before creating them.

So this let's them know what it will look like, and if they feel it could actually help them based off what I preview in the video.

It's usually a simple Google Doc and I hop on Loom, I scroll down down it walking them through how the class will solve 'x' problem, and what kind of results they can expect, and THROW in an additional discount for people who sit through these types of videos, because it takes patience, and those are the type of customers I want!

Hopefully these were helpful to you, and you can apply them to your business...

As you know I open, and close a new class every 4 to 6 weeks, and this year alone that's added $100,000 to my business in HANDS off pure profit revenue...

AND, if you want to launch your own cash cow class on November 6th at 7p.m. est I'm going live...

AND, walking you through how to setup your own class, but NOT before you get paid to do so, and HOW I grew it to a 100% passive $20,000/month profit machine, PLUS...

-Once you hit your "okay I'm gonna create this sh*t minimum" which maybe $1k?, $500?, $5,000? Then I show you how to create it in LESS than 3hrs. Because we get paid, before we create anything around these PARTS!!

-I'm going to share the EXACT emails I used to sell $100,000+ worth of classes this year ALONE...

-My EXACT 3 step process for knowing EXACTLY what your class should be about, and how to make it COMPLETELY irresistible to your audience

-HOW to take a low ticket class, and turn it into HIGH TICKET type profits without the responsibility of high ticket clients. It's completely hands off once the class is created!

-How you can create once, but resell it month after month to stack MRR - monthly recurring revenue, and make it 100% PASSIVE income for your business

-HOW anybody can create a Cash Cow Class with their current knowledge, and sell 100% with free facebook traffic and/or an email list with as little as 100 people (which I'll show you EXACTLY how to get people on your email list to launch your class)

So are you in?

If you read my last few emails on this class then you noticed I mention how they start at $147, and then I UPGRADE them along the way....

Welp this is revision 2!

So it'll be shot 100% LIVE. (if you can't make it live. ALL GOOD. They're always recorded with notes, and templates added afterwards)

Monday November 6th at 7p.m. EST

Click here to learn more about launching your own Cash Cow Classes.

Reply "💰" if you enjoyed this email



Everyday I send out an email on lessons learned from generating $500,000 per month in email marketing revenue for my clients. Join below for free.

Read more from FreddyEmails

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