how to get good at email marketing FAST!

I remember when I started copywriting in 2017...

Way before I found my niche (email copywriting), and one of the ways that were mentioned over, and over on how to get better fast was to find profitable advertisements, headlines, emails, sales pages, and COPY them word for word...

So the nuances, psychology, and flow of good copy would be INGRAINED in your head, and here's the thing...

It works GREAT, but finding copy that you know for a fact actually put numbers on the board is hard...

So you could find yourself copying a bunch of bullsh*t just because it was written by your favorite guru whose product ONLY sells because he has a lot of followers and influence...

AND repeating that same copy for a smaller brand. With no name. Would result in ZERO sales...

AND, that's partially why I created Profitable Email Templates because I wanted people to be able to copy and paste email campaigns, and templates that they know for a FACT are profitable...

AND, get a sense of what PROFITABLE email campaigns look like, but without having to create them from scratch themselves.

OR, hire an expensive azz email copywriter like me to push out emails in less than 15 minutes and make $5,000 per month off their dime...

Then spend the rest of their day lifting weights, playing with my kids, and browsing and buying sports cars like me (if that's your thing lol)...

If that's you Reader...

And, you're tired of writing emails from scratch that you don't know if they're going to make the cash register ring or make your subs run for the UNSUB button...

Then subscribe to Profitable Email Templates.

There's a monthly, and an annual subscription.

Lots of bonuses with the annual. (community for q/a's, free courses, free consult with ME!)

Not so many bonuses with the monthly but you get profitable email templates delivered to your inbox MONTHLY.

Click Here to Learn More About Profitable Email Templates

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Everyday I send out an email on lessons learned from generating $500,000 per month in email marketing revenue for my clients. Join below for free.

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So take a look at these 2 testimonials then let's do some quick email math... So one increased 10% and the other 20% ... If every time you send an email to a list of let's say 500. With a $97 offer. Your open rate is 25% and You get 1 sale... What happens if your open rate goes up to 45%? Well you almost DOUBLED your open rate, and if everything else stays the same meaning... Grew the list the same way. (same lead magnet) Same or similar offer. Same quality email marketing. You should get 2-3...

Out of everything I learned building from zero to 7 figures in 2yrs the ability to write emails that sell... Without sounding salesy... And people enjoy... AND, take less than 30 minutes... Is by far my most PROFITABLE skill! Without that ability you could take away about 85% of the money I've made online as all roads led to email, and they still do til this day here's why: It's the only channel you own. You don't own tik tok, fbook, Ig, or any new shiny social media site that comes out Its...

So I was reviewing a 1on1 clients email... AND, here's what happen... They have an offer that they want to sell... But the list is dead (as in haven't emailed in a minute)... AND, they're not sure about the offer, and if they should trash it altogether.. So I advised her to take that offer and plug it into my Black Friday Everyday campaign, and I only mention this so you know why I suggested it... it reengages your list from the graveyard it's responsible for $10K, $30K, $101K, $160K 24 hour...