How I bought $251,137 in cars using emails

AS you make money, and your lifestyle improves one of the things you'll do is have people ask you "what do you do"...

AND, while on paper I am in fact an email copywriter!

That skill set + the ability to create an offer that sells quickly, and WITHOUT resistance in the form of short classes has made me the MOST (guilt-free - time freedom) money...

Case in fact...

Over the last 4 years I upgraded my cars...

I went from mustang to a 2018 Range Rover...

Then I added a 2019 Corvette to the stable...

Then I added a 2023 Hybrid Convertible Jeep to the stable (my fav...)...

If my son don't take a pic and stand on it is it REALLY my car.. lol (notice every car picture has my son, because people just be making sh*t up online, and Freddy like to share RECEIPTS)

AND, not one single time did I come OUT OF POCKET or out of my savings as most do with car purchases...

Instead I went to the dealership...

Negotiated numbers, and got the down payment I would need in order to get a monthly payment I was good with...

Went home. Created a Cash Cow Class outline. Wrote 7-10 emails. Scheduled them for the week...

AND, 11 days later I'd have the downpayment I needed ($8k for Jeep, $12k for Range, and $10K for Corvette)

AND, then the relaunch of those same classes pay for the monthly note on EVERY. SINGLE. CAR...

NOW, you might not be a car person like me, and driving your **insert your vehicle** until it rolls over and dies is FINE with you!

BUT, you do have a vacation you want to go on...

YOU do have a credit card bill and/or, student loan, you want to pay down...

OR you just want to pad your savings.

YOU do want more HIGH profit revenue in your business (classes are 100% profit I spent ZERO on ads to launch them)

OR, you just want more time inside your business, and revenue that doesn't require you to be present, and works around the clock no matter if you're working or not!

OR, you're like me, and tired of sweating as your calendar fills up with discovery calls, after discovery call just to hit your monthly revenue, and would like to see revenue grow WITHOUT having to be a sales slave...

You can do ALL THE ABOVE by launching a simple Cash Cow Class...

That's why when you join me on November 6th at 7p.m. est I'm going live, and walking you through how to setup your own class, but NOT before you get paid to do so, and HOW I grew it to a 100% passive $20,000/month profit machine, PLUS...

-Once you hit your "okay I'm gonna create this sh*t minimum" which maybe $1k?, $500?, $5,000? Then I show you how to create it in LESS than 3hrs. Because we get paid, before we create anything around these PARTS!!

-I'm going to share the EXACT emails I used to sell $100,000+ worth of classes this year ALONE...

-My EXACT 3 step process for knowing EXACTLY what your class should be about, and how to make it COMPLETELY irresistible to your audience

-HOW to take a low ticket class, and turn it into HIGH TICKET type profits without the responsibility of high ticket clients. It's completely hands off once the class is created!

-How you can create once, but resell it month after month to stack MRR - monthly recurring revenue, and make it 100% PASSIVE income for your business

-HOW anybody can create a Cash Cow Class with their current knowledge, and sell 100% with free facebook traffic and/or an email list with as little as 100 people (which I'll show you EXACTLY how to get people on your email list to launch your class)

So are you in?

If you read my last few emails on this class then you noticed I mention how they start at $147, and then I UPGRADE them along the way....

Welp this is revision 2!

So it'll be shot 100% LIVE. (if you can't make it live. ALL GOOD. They're always recorded with notes, and templates added afterwards)

Monday November 6th at 7p.m. EST

Class is currently priced at $147, but goes up to $197/$247 once 10 join...

AND, once that's over I will relaunch it in a couple of months, but the price will double.

Get in for the LOW-LOW by clicking here, and learning more about Cash Cow Classes.

OR, Reply "💰" if you enjoyed this email



Everyday I send out an email on lessons learned from generating $500,000 per month in email marketing revenue for my clients. Join below for free.

Read more from FreddyEmails

So take a look at these 2 testimonials then let's do some quick email math... So one increased 10% and the other 20% ... If every time you send an email to a list of let's say 500. With a $97 offer. Your open rate is 25% and You get 1 sale... What happens if your open rate goes up to 45%? Well you almost DOUBLED your open rate, and if everything else stays the same meaning... Grew the list the same way. (same lead magnet) Same or similar offer. Same quality email marketing. You should get 2-3...

Out of everything I learned building from zero to 7 figures in 2yrs the ability to write emails that sell... Without sounding salesy... And people enjoy... AND, take less than 30 minutes... Is by far my most PROFITABLE skill! Without that ability you could take away about 85% of the money I've made online as all roads led to email, and they still do til this day here's why: It's the only channel you own. You don't own tik tok, fbook, Ig, or any new shiny social media site that comes out Its...

So I was reviewing a 1on1 clients email... AND, here's what happen... They have an offer that they want to sell... But the list is dead (as in haven't emailed in a minute)... AND, they're not sure about the offer, and if they should trash it altogether.. So I advised her to take that offer and plug it into my Black Friday Everyday campaign, and I only mention this so you know why I suggested it... it reengages your list from the graveyard it's responsible for $10K, $30K, $101K, $160K 24 hour...